The primary goal of Digital Outcomes 6, is to offer a market route for accessing agile development and user-centred design services, thereby accelerating innovation within the public sector.
We are qualified under Digital Outcomes 6 in Lot 1, enabling businesses to research, test, design, build, release, iterate, support, and retire digital services. Through this framework, we deliver bespoke services tailored to the needs of the subscriber, utilising an agile approach to design digital products and services for our customers.
The Crown Commercial Service (CCS) is an Executive Agency of the Cabinet Office, supporting the public sector to achieve maximum commercial value when procuring common goods and services. In recent years, CCS has helped the public sector to achieve commercial benefits worth £945m - supporting world-class public services that offer best value for taxpayers.
This framework is used by central government; charities; the education sector; local authorities; blue light including police, fire, ambulance, search and rescue; and devolved administrations, to access suppliers who can design and build bespoke digital products and services using an agile approach.
Panacea Welcomes New Users to the Digital Outcomes 6 Framework
We work closely with the CCS to provide software in line with the latest Procurement Act, ensuring our clients have all the tools they need for reporting and keeping track of compliancy through this framework. Our core values focus on efficiency and cost reduction, whilst offering an exceptional and slick service to provide the best solutions for our subscribers.
Panacea is delighted to welcome new users and values the incredible partnerships already established within this framework!